Index of downloads:
Microsoft usefuls.......
cabview.exe (allows you to view contents of cab files)
TweakUI (Useful Win 95/98 utility that allows you to really customize Windows by giving you access to those areas that arent usually made public. Very user friendly) (Download location #2)
ie4power.exe (Internet explorer power toys) (Desk top tweaks for windows 95/Ie4)
krnltoys.exe (kernal toys for windows 95)
powertoy.exe (Windows 95 powertoys)
qfechkup.exe (Windows 95 update information tool)
regclean.exe (Windows 95 registry cleaner)
syscheck.exe(Checks to see if Win95 can be installed on your comp)
MP3 usefuls..... (MP3 player)
Winamp (Mp3 player)
Phix 16 bit or 32 bit (Fixes MP3s that were downloaded and sound weird. )

Misc sounds.....
Angel Wav.exe (for  those that cannot unzip files) (exerpt from the movie "The prophecy") (My theme song)

wisdom32_9802.exe (Free Screensaver that displays quotes)